Tuesday, June 19, 2007

An addition to our family

So we are now expecting a baby this winter, which in this heat seems so very far away.
I am not feeling that wonderful, I am always sleepy, bloated, and i always have a nauseous feeling ---not fun.---well i guess i will keep who ever is reading posted.


BananaBuzzbomb said...

Yay! Congrats Congrats!!! When did you find out? I've been checking out your blog to see what you've been up to lately and haven't seen anything new. Hope you're doing well...I can only imagine the heat and being pregnant...yuck! Keep us posted on what's all going on. Talk to you later!

Jen said...

I was wondering when you were going to post this news to the world! Hopefully the whole morning sickness will be dwindling down now.
Oh, all the fun things you'll be experiencing in the next few month! Just you wait and see ;-)

Anonymous said...

Owen Otto Welschenbach....Owen Otto Welschenbach!