Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Morning

Well Andrew won his game on Friday...he actually scored the winning touch down! I was the first time since Truman was in office that Norwalk has beaten Bellevue at Bellevue's home stadium! Kinda cool.
Yesterday we just sat around and did nothing, cleaned a little, went out to eat with Casey's mom and step dad at Chett and Matt's, went grocery shopping, and caught a mouse. (that mouse part was gross!--ha ha)
Today we have my little cousin's Birthday party at 5---we got him bath toys and Nerf balls.
what are you supposed to get a 2 year old Brut? I don't know either...but they are getting a baby brother on the 11Th and we get to watch Anna and Luke while mommy and daddy have a c-section...well i guess just mommy is having that c-section. OK well that is all for today

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