Friday, January 18, 2008

Update on 38 week apt!

I have not been feeling well for the past 3 days, it started out in my chest and now it is my whole upper body, yesterday my OB called me in a prescription for Robitussin ac and that so did not work! I was up all last night hacking away and when i got up this morning I felt like someone ran me over with a truck! I also had my 38 week apt today and I was running a fever so they wrote me another prescription for a Zpac because they don't want me sick when i deliver...which is supposed to be in 10 days!
So update on baby, she is growing fine, I have now gained 7 and 1/2 pounds and the Dr. felt the baby and predicted she is about 7 pounds now, I am dilated 2 cm!

My car seat and stroller came in and that is what I was waiting for before I told the baby that we were ready for her, but now I am not feeling well, and it would be terrible for her to be born when I am this sick!

Please keep me in your prayers I am sooo uncomfortable and not because of this pregnancy, I just feel like crap due to this infection, and I SO DO NOT WANT CASEY TO GET IT TOO! so If you could say a prayer for us that would be wonderful!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Yesterday should of been your 39 week appointment. Any baby yet??!!